“The Harder the Conflict, the Greater the Triumphs”
ZOOM link” https://us02web.zoom.us/j/513229566?pwd=WXpVZndmK09hMnI3ZCtlN2Juc21EUT09
Meeting ID: 513 229 566 Password: 072174
Don’t Forget - FOOD AVAILABLE every TUESDAY from 5:30 - 6 pm
“What ends up fulfilling us isn’t found in the outcome of the things we wish for, but in the hope that we discover along the way.”
“The Harder the Conflict, the Greater the Triumphs”
ZOOM link” https://us02web.zoom.us/j/513229566?pwd=WXpVZndmK09hMnI3ZCtlN2Juc21EUT09
Meeting ID: 513 229 566 Password: 072174
Don’t Forget - FOOD AVAILABLE every TUESDAY from 5:30 - 6 pm